Controlled Wood Policy

As a general Company principle, YONGA is committed to conduct all its’ operations responsibly. A major facet of this responsibility is the utilization of only sustainable raw materials. Therefore, YONGA procurement policies are intended to avoid sourcing raw materials from the following six risk areas :

  • Illegally harvested wood;
  • Wood harvested in violation of traditional or civil rights;
  • Wood harvested from forests where high conservation values are threatened by management activities;
  • Wood harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use; and
  • Wood harvested from forests where genetically modified trees are planted.
  • Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the ILO declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

The reigning Laws of Turkey regulating the protection of Forests and the utilization of Forest Products are established to ensure that these risks are eliminated. YONGA  commits to due diligence in the application of these Laws. Where in spite of this, a degree of risk exists, YONGA undertakes to implement Company Policies and Procedures to ensure that these risks are eliminated.

  • While providing safe and healthy working conditions in accordance with laws,regulations and related standards to prevent work-related injury and health deterioration and fulfilling the applicable conditions preventing pollution and safeguarding the environment to carry out our manufacturing operation ensuring customer satisfaction in a global competitive environment with reasonable prices, desired quality and timely delivery principles.
  • By following developing technologies closely, the basis of our success is to ensure the consultation and participation of employees and employee representatives, to train continuously in this direction, to participate in our pursuit of quality with their ideas and to improve our management system, including increasing our production technology and environmental performance.

Integrated Management System Policy

Our Employee Rights Policy

Preventing Child Labor:

YONGA does not employ child labor under any circumstances, except for legal restrictions. It undertakes not to allow or support child labor. In recruitment, the condition of being over the age of 16 is required and the application is not accepted without verification. In addition, interns and apprentices cannot be employed without the approval of the relevant school.

Apprentices are trained in a procedure and are not employed in dangerous, heavy work that may adversely affect their physical, mental and social status without receiving all necessary training.

Apprentices and trainees are not made to work at night and are not allowed to work overtime.

Apprentices of school age are provided with training and financial assistance until they complete their training.

Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labor:

YONGA does not employ any of its employees under any pressure or based on debt, and aims to employ all of its employees in the most suitable positions under equal conditions. Employment is made entirely in accordance with legal requirements. In the termination of the employment contract, it fulfills the conditions defined in the Labor Law for the employer and the employee. No prisoner labor is employed. Prohibits all forced labor practices.

Preventing Discrimination During Work:

YONGA does not discriminate its employees based on language, religion, race, gender, social class, political opinion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, union membership, physical/mental disability, marital status, union membership and physical/mental disability during employment, wage increase, promotion, rewarding, performance evaluation and termination of employment. The competence and performance of the employee is taken into account.

In recruitment, YONGA does not evaluate employees separately based on language, religion, race, gender, social class, political opinion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, age, union membership and physical/mental disability. The requirements of the job and the individual competencies of the applicant are taken into consideration and the recruitment decision is made accordingly.

YONGA undertakes not to use corporal punishment, not to engage in maltreatment and physical/verbal harassment, to protect its employees from maltreatment and harassment, and to treat them humanely, respectfully and with dignity. It does not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind, regardless of personal characteristics, position or status.

Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining:

YONGA is committed to respecting the rights of its employees to organise and bargain collectively. Workers’ representatives have the right to freely fulfil their duties. We support respecting the representation rights of employees and supporting their self-expression.

It aims to establish a constructive dialogue with the freely chosen representatives of our employees who are represented by a legally recognized trade union.

YONGA aims to employ all its employees for many years. Creating and maintaining a fair working environment for our employees is one of our top priorities. It is aimed to create a fair, respectful, healthy and safe working environment in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and to increase the success, development and loyalty of employees to the company.

As Yonga Furniture, inclusiveness and diversity, ensuring gender equality, strengthening the position of women in business life, combating the prejudices brought by the concept of sexism, including and empowering women in the workforce and equal pay for equal work policy is applied.

YONGA Furniture does not discriminate employees according to language, religion, race, gender, social class, political opinion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, age, trade union membership and physical/mental disability. The requirements of the job and the individual competence characteristics of the applicant are taken into consideration and the recruitment decision is made accordingly.

YONGA Furniture undertakes not to give corporate punishment to its employees other than the workplace disciplinary board procedure, not to maltreat and physically / verbally harass; to protect from maltreatment and harassment, to behave in a decent, respectful and dignified manner. It does not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind, regardless of personal characteristics, position or status.

YONGA Furniture observes equal opportunity and inclusiveness in the content of the advertisements given within the scope of the recruitment process, interviews and employee selection process, performance measurement and evaluation, career planning, promotion system, training-development programmes offered to employees and the wage policy applied.

Yonga Mobilya offers internal promotion opportunities to suitable employees in order to support the career development opportunities of its current employees. Supports development plans in order to identify the leader cadres of the future. It offers training opportunities for the development of technical knowledge, skills and competence.

YONGA Furniture stands against all kinds of intimidation, discrimination and harassment that may occur against or among its employees, and the allegations in these matters are investigated confidentially and seriously in accordance with the procedure determined by the Company.

Yonga Furniture ensures that women take part as decision makers in management and ensures the balance between men and women in management.

Yonga Furniture implements its Employee Rights policies and processes based on these basic principles.

Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Gender Equality Policy